What We Do

Early child care and development (ECD)- inspired safe and secured infants

ECD program is one of the core programs of CCFO which focuses on under five-years-old children. The program is designed to create accesses for preschool and improved the quality of service provided in government and community owned ECD centers.
Early childhood development program is one of the core programs which CCFO is focusing on under five children to practice early care and development of children. The program is focusing on health Nutrition and appropriate child care options by conducting, ECD programs by constructing preschools and supporting government o class by indoor and outdoor play materials, CCFO is also supporting the Enrolled children parents in the empowering of their lively hood by creating Income Generating Activity opportunities through community self-help group formation and cash injection based up on their contribution

Food and Nutrition

CCFO has been working to address deficiency of food and nutrition of families and children in all its project areas.
Based on the assessment, CCFO provides supplementary food elements like Fafa flour, edible oil as well as milk powder, vitamins and de-worm tablet for those under five children which are found to be moderate and severely malnutrition to improve their developmental health conditions. CCFO’s food and nutrition support also extends to those children following their ART at health facility level to enable them cope up the impact of HIV/AIDS and become physically strong. In close collaboration with health extension workers, CCFO has been undertaking assessments to identify OVCs especially under-five and most vulnerable for malnourishment which need special attention and follow-ups.

1. Availability of libraries and furnishing it.
2. Availability of separate toilet for boys and girls
3. Availability of girls’ menstruation and hygiene management room.
4. Child protection activities
5. Making the school compound green

Basic Education -Inspired Educated and self-confident children

CCFO starting from its establishment in 1995 made an attempt and put practical the aforementioned components stated here above. Furthermore, the organization has been working in resilience building on parents just to support their children and adopt mechanisms in case of adversities. The reasons for dropout in the area where CCFO has been working were seemed economic by its nature. Hence, to reduce dropouts, CCFO has been working in women empowerment which means the organization organized mothers of enrolled children in CSSG (Community self-saving Group) and provided full package- Provided training on ME-SPM, matching fund, technical support and monitoring and evaluation tasks. The organized CSSG now became self-reliant.

These components are


1. Enhancing curriculum.
2.Availability of pedagogical centers and equipping it with the necessary materials
3. Availability of laboratory and chemicals and apparatus
4.Access of play grounds and required materials

Humanitarian Interventions

CCFO has been actively engaged in humanitarian interventions to assist people who are victims of armed conflict, famines, and natural disasters in its intervention areas CCFO has supported community members with emergency response and preparedness in its target areas. Through our emergency response activities, Internally Displaced People (IDPs) who are affected by conflicts, floods and drought have been reached through the support.
2IGA opportunity throgh Goat provision_600x450
women gropu memebres benefited from Small scale bigoas disgeter _600x399

Gender and Child Protection.

Ensuring gender equality and protection of children from abuse and exploitation through establishing and strengthening community based child protection mechanisms (CBCPM)
CCFO was implemented the project Entitled -Enhancing Livelihood,/Food security, IGA & environmental protection Project activities and with this project both environmental protection and livelihood improvement activities were well done and a significant change was achieved. It was engaged in community based natural resource managements through a number of interventions.

Natural Resource Management

CCFO has been working to address deficiency of food and nutrition of families and children in all its project areas.

Parental Education

CCFO has been engaged in awareness creation and alter practices and behavior in a positive way with in the community on parenting skill, child development and others social issues through undertaking coffee ceremonies and home visits. In all its project areas, regular coffee ceremony programs have been organized with the use of volunteers which enabled to address about 6000 parents/guardians.
School students benefited from plannted tree at school_600x399

Livelihood Development Programs

CCFO’s economic empowerment of families of orphans and vulnerable children is one of important interventions in addressing the basic necessities of the family by creating Income Generating Activity opportunities through community self-help group formation and cash injection based up on their contribution. And also providing in kind support of goat and sheep for rural and urban communities.


It is plausible that a given school should be child friendly if the anticipated education outcome to be real. Thus, to keep gender equity and reduce stress in female from absence of school Child-Friendly Hygiene and Sanitation room and Facilities, CCFO constructed four MHM (Menstruation and Hygiene Management room room) at Olenchiti #1, Olenchiti # 2 ,Boset High school and Tedecha primary schools.
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